Election Judge

To be an Election Judge for Stanchfield Township you need to complete training every 2 years (which will be arranged after you have been approved by the township board). If you are interested in being an Election Judge, please contact the Clerk, Val Anderson, 320-396-3782 to get on our list.
Or Visit: Minnesota Secretary Of State – Become an election judge
Currently, Election Judges work either a morning shift or an evening shift. The morning shift starts one hour prior to the opening of the polls (7 am) and usually goes through 1:30 pm . The evening shift comes in at 1:30 and goes through to the closing of the polls (8 pm) and includes counting of the ballots and may include delivery of the ballots and supplies to the Isanti County Courthouse (2 judges will bring in the ballots and supplies).
We do pay an hourly wage and reimburse mileage when serving as an election judge for Stanchfield Township.