Regular Meeting January 4, 2024. Present: Supervisors; John Shockman, Jim Lee, Donald Fix , Clerk Val Anderson, Steve Hass. John called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed, Motion by Shockman, seconded and carried. Treasurer’s reports given.
OLD BUSINESS: Well is complete with total paid to Ace Well of $10,090.00 Plus $770 looking for well and build shelf and electric bill not yet received.
IRS 2024 Mileage rate $.67 per mile.
NEW BUSINESS: Will work on new contracts for Road, but will use current ones for this year. Checks 7455-7461 , ACH 594-596 were approved, Receipts: -574-576
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m with motion by Lee, seconded and carried.
Regular Meeting February 1, 2024. Present: Supervisors; John Shockman, Jim Lee, Donald Fix, Deputy Treasurer Cindy Shockman, Clerk Val Anderson, Steve Hass, Dale Becklin. John called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed, Motion by Shockman, seconded and carried.
The 2023 Board of audit was held: After reviewing the books, a Motion by Lee, seconded by Fix and carried to approve and sign the 2023 Receipts and Disbursements Audit Report. Year End Reports completed: Township Road Mileage Certification; PERA Exclusion; Noxious Weed Report; State Report of Outstanding Indebtedness; MATIT Workers’ Compensation Audit Report; W-2/1099; Office of the State Auditor Annual Financial Reporting Form, SAFES Lobby Expense; Census Boundary Annexation Form. Road Work Report is not finished.
OLD BUSINESS: Received signed Fire contract from Braham.
Received information to update our road development agreements and ordinance etc., from Attorney Ruppe. We will continue to work on these updates.
Raised ballfield rent to $300 per year.
NEW BUSINESS: Opened bids at 7:30 pm. After review, Motion by Lee, seconded by Fix and carried to accept the 2024-24 road bid of Dawn Hass Construction.
Reviewed Isanti County Planning Commission Request of Dawn Kraushaar for a firework business on Highway 65. No comments made.
Reviewed pay information. Our monthly meeting rate has not been changed since 2006 and the hourly rate since 2017. Motion by Lee seconded by Fix and carried to raise our monthly meeting rate to $125.00 and the hourly rate to $30.00 with other meetings being a minimum of $60.00 for up to the first 2 hours then hourly after that.
Checks 7462-7472, ACH 597-599 were approved, Receipts: 577-581
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m with motion by Lee, seconded and carried.
Regular Meeting March 7, 2024. Present: Supervisors; John Shockman, Jim Lee, Donald Fix Treasurer Kirstin Schmitz and Craig Betsinger, Clerk Val Anderson, Steve Hass, Residents. John called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed, Motion by Shockman, seconded and carried. Treasurer’s reports received
OLD BUSINESS: The 2025 Budget to be requested for the Annual Meeting will be $256,005.
Steve Hass gave an update on how the chloride worked on 397th Ave NE. 1,104 yards of gravel was placed on the road prior to the May 12, 2023 application of 7,530 gallons at $8,885.40. The road had been graded 6 times prior to application then not graded until August 10 with only 8 hours of grading after that date. On September 22 106 yards were added at the west end. Not having to grade during the summer months saves a considerable amount in 2023 and should save more if we continue with a routine of chloride each year.
NEW BUSINESS: A verbal resignation has been received from Kirstin Schmitz. Motion by Shockman, seconded by Fix and carried to appoint Craig Betsinger as Treasurer when we receive the official resignation from current Treasurer Kirstin Schmitz. Craig Betsinger will be taking over as treasurer for Kirstin Schmitz effective April 5, 2024. New Signature cards will need to be made. Motion by Lee, seconded by Fix and Carried to have the following names on the signature cards for all the accounts at Frandsen Bank and Trust in Braham, Minnesota: John Shockman Chairman, Don Fix Vice-Chairman, Craig Betsinger Treasurer, Cindy Shockman Deputy Treasurer, Valerie Anderson, Clerk and a Deputy Clerk to be added when acquired. Kirsten Schmidt, Jim Lee and any other persons not listed above will be removed. And for all accounts at Security Bank and Trust Co. in Cambridge, Minnesota: Craig Betsinger Treasurer, Valerie Anderson, Clerk. Kirsten Schmidt, and any other persons not listed above will be removed.
After review of the inflation cost to replace the town hall, Lee motioned, Fix seconded and carried to increase the insurance value from $189,500 to $250,000 beginning with the next renewal date.
Road Check Set for April 6, 2024, meeting at 8 am at the Town Hall.
Checks 7473-7488, ACH 600-604 were approved, Receipts: 582-584
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m with motion by Lee, seconded and carried.
For Information only, Not to be approved until the Annual Meeting 2025 ANNUAL MEETING March 12, 2024
Clerk, Val Anderson, Called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with 7 residents in attendance. Jim Lee nominated Craig Sundermeyer to be moderator, with no other nominations, Craig was elected. No changes were made in the Agenda. The printed 2023 Clerk’s report was read by Val Anderson. Motion by John Shockman, Seconded by Jim Lee and carried to approve the 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes.
Fund requests were mailed to the board and they will look over those at a regular board meeting. Discussion was made regarding the billing increase for the Fire and Truck Fund because of increase in expenses for the Braham Fire Department. Our bill went from $15,918.68 in 2023 (to 39,629.91 in 2024 which we will cover with our current fund balances) to 40,305.25 for the 2025 budget. We also had to replace our well for the amount of $10,872.85 with an additional electric bill not yet received. The board is requesting the following budget amounts for 2025. Motion by John Shockman, seconded by Craig Sundermeyer and approved for a budget total of $$256,005.
Levy Other Total
Revenue: $50,510 $3,190 $ 53,700
Road & Bridge $136,900 $25,100 $162,000
Fire $40,305 $40,305
Total $227,715 $28,290 $256,005
Next years meeting will be held at 7:00 pm on March 11, 2025. Meeting was adjourned at 7:52 pm with motion by John Shockman, seconded by Jim Lee and carried.
Regular Meeting April 4, 2024. Present: Supervisors; John Shockman, Jim Lee, Donald Fix Treasurer Craig Betsinger, Clerk Val Anderson, Steve Hass, Mike Dennis, Commissioner Steve Westerberg and other residents. John called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed, Motion by Shockman, seconded and carried. Treasurer’s reports received
OLD BUSINESS: Motion by Lee, seconded by Fix and carried to accept Kirstin Schmitz’s resignation effective April 5, 2024, with Craig Betsinger treasurer’s appointment starting April 5th, 2024. The designated persons will go to the banks to sign new signature cards.
Dale Becklin submitted his road bids to be the same as last year, Motion by Fix, seconded by Lee and carried to accept that bid.
NEW BUSINESS: Mike Dennis was present to submit the Bearded Acres Plat in section 15. There are 2 new 3 acre lots being created with one 23.56 acre lot remaining. Jim Lee has reviewed the area for driveways. There is a field access driveway in existence and if used as a new home, a new driveway permit will be required. All other lots will require either a field access permit or a residential driveway permit when a building permit is requested. Motion by Lee seconded by Fix and carried to accept the Bearded Acres Plat to follow the Isanti county zoning ordinance, and if no changes from this preliminary plat, to give John Shockman the authority to sign off on the Mylar when completed.
Commissioner Westerberg gave an update on the Comprehensive plan progress and information on new buildings for the sheriff and highway departments. All three are work in progress.
A review of our policy for payment of the Deputy Clerks/Treasurer. This will be considered as a contractor and their payments will not have PERA or Medicare withheld. Motion by Shockman seconded by Lee and carried.
Checks 7489-7497, ACH 605-607 were approved, Receipts: 585-587
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m with motion by Lee, seconded and carried.
Board of Equalization: April 15, 2024, 7 pm. Present: Supervisors; John Shockman, Jim Lee, Donald Fix Clerk Val Anderson, Appraisers Jim Warden and Peter Blomquist, Colleen Blackford. Residents/Landowners: Nathan Giese. Mr Warden gave information regarding the sales from October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023, which is the sales period they review for the 2024 Estimated Market Values. Mr Giese; Parcel #11-003-0200, was concerned regarding the increase in property taxes since he purchased his property a few years ago. There were improvements on the property that has made the value increase which caused the taxes to also increase. No action taken as the value was correct.
An administration correction on a property that had an old home removed on Daniel Boie Parcel # 11-015-0100 and made a reduction in value of $5,000 to $207,300.
After view of the requests a motion was made by Lee, seconded by Fix and carried to accept recommendation of the assessor for both properties. Motion to adjourn at 7:40 pm by Lee seconded and carried.
Regular Meeting May 2, 2024. Present: Supervisors; John Shockman, Jim Lee, Donald Fix Treasurer Craig Betsinger, Clerk Val Anderson, Steve Hass, Residents. John called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as corrected, Motion by Shockman, seconded and carried. Treasurer’s reports received with additional information needed from Fransen Bank.
OLD BUSINESS: Road Check report was discussed and projects accepted as present in the report.
SLFRF (ARPA) Funds report and PNP expenses filed and SAMS account renewed.
PERA has been corrected for Cindy Shockman.
NEW BUSINESS: We have the CTAS Program and will begin using it after training.
Motion by Shockman, seconded by Fix and carried to accept Bakken’s Lawncare bid for 2024.
Marty Johnson from the Outback and so to be new owners Darrin and Carrie Davis were present to request the approval of their 2024 liquor license. The date of the sale has not been established so they are requesting to approve the license in both Marty’s ownership of J & J and the Davis’s ownership of Outback Saloon and Grill, LLC. Motion by Lee, second by Fix and carried to approve both liquor licenses so they may continue operation through the sale and for the take over of the new ownership for the 2024-2025 license period
Checks 7498-7505 , ACH 608-611 were approved, Receipts: 688-692 Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m with motion by Fix, seconded and carried.
Regular Meeting June 6, 2024. Present: Supervisors; John Shockman, Jim Lee, Donald Fix Treasurer Craig Betsinger, Clerk Val Anderson, Steve Hass. John called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed, Motion by Shockman, seconded and carried. Treasurer’s reports received
OLD BUSINESS: We are now doing the books with CTAS.
Chloride has been applied to parts of a number of roads. Steve Hass has worked with the landowners for payments when they have asked for it and the road works for the application. One gravel pit using 381st has paid for the application from his pit to Hwy 65
NEW BUSINESS: Jeffery and Rita Johnson has a Board of Adjustment request for building setbacks from CR 3 ahd Hwy 65. Since it doesn’t involve our township roads, no comment will be made.
2023 Population estimate is 1,217 with 455 Household
A dog park has been made on Polk Street and cars are parking on the road to use the park. Val will contact the owners to inform them they can not park on the township road.
Checks 7506-7514, ACH 612-614 were approved, Receipts: 693-696
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m with motion by Fix, seconded and carried.
Regular Meeting July 11, 2024, 1 week late due to the 4th of July. Present: Supervisors; John Shockman, Donald Fix Treasurer Craig Betsinger, Clerk Val Anderson, Steve Hass, other residents. John called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed, Motion by Shockman, seconded and carried. Treasurer’s reports received
OLD BUSINESS: PNP payment of $1,171.90 (Submitted $1,988.33)
Dog Park has been stopped by the owners on their own.
Update on road work: First mowing completed; need to repair washout on Polk north of 375th; culvert replaced on Davenport; Asphalt patch on Naples completed; brushing needs to be done.
Paid 2024 Fire Contract $27,314.42 fire and $12,315.49 Truck reserve.
NEW BUSINESS: Approved the 2024-25 election judge list
Checks 7515-7524 ACH 615-617 were approved, Receipts: 697-601
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m with motion by Fix, seconded and carried.
Regular Meeting August 1, 2024. Present: Supervisors; John Shockman, Jim Lee, Donald Fix Treasurer Craig Betsinger, Clerk Val Anderson, Steve Hass, Commissioner Steve Westerberg, Mac Perry, Bill Becklin. John called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed, Motion by Shockman, seconded and carried. Treasurer’s reports received with the request to close out the Fire Truck Fund as the City of Braham will be holding the Funds for new equipment. The balance of the Fire Truck Fund will be transferred to the Fire Fund.
OLD BUSINESS: Discussion on Election Judge payroll to pay regular hourly wage. Received the 2024 insurance packet. Still working on getting a township credit card. No action needed on PERA contributions.
NEW BUSINESS: Mac Perry was present to explain the rearrangement of High Bridge Forest plat. He has an eight acre lot he would like to bring down to 4 acres with the other 4 acres going to the remainder lot which would bring that lot up to around 40 acres. Both parcels will keep the same driveways. Motion by Shockman, seconded by Lee and carried to allow the rearrangement as requested.
First half of LGA has been received for $1,088 and we received notice of 2025 LGA for $1,859.
Checks 7525-7529, ACH 618-620 were approved, Receipts: 602-607
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m with motion by Shockman, seconded and carried.